Monday, June 6, 2011


So Sunday's workout was good.  In fact in keeping with my stubbornness I decided to do more than my scheduled 400 vertical and 100 horizontal repetitions.  Because....the deception of this equipment really fools you.  You don't think you are getting much and I fell for it....again.  After breezing through my the first 300 and not feeling a thing.  I came to the 400th rep with really none of the fatigue I have normally felt.  So lets go further on I say to myself...why not?  So how much more should I do?  100 more is 25% more, thats a good number!!  497, 98, 99, 500!! Lets go more I still feel good. So I reach the 600 mark...ok enough.  Could I have gone more? Yes, but something said if you do, you will be asking for it.  Next came the 100 horizontal.  No sweat, how many more? 50 more and out from the pool I came.  Ah... I think I made a mistake. Instantly gravity has spoken it's law to my legs, back and arms, chest and abs.  Perhaps I did too much ...again.  I am sore today at work but...most of this dissipated by noon time.  What I feel now is tightness the tightness of well worked muscles.  I feel it tightening different areas in my body and I see some places where it is doing its work.  Maybe others can't see it but I can because who else see my body more than I do? A little tight here and a little more flat there.  I even want to get in the pool today and do a warm up of a 100 or so.  But  we are getting some well needed rain and this might be thwarted.  I am ready!  Go, go, go...LOBOS!!

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